Fisher's Blog

A Different Approach: Cookiecutter

I didn’t make any progress with Zappa in the last few days, so today I tried a different approach. I researched Cookiecutter, a CLI utility that creates projects from templates. I found this flask-ask template for Cookiecutter that should be helpful. I switched to PyCharm on Windows (because I m...

Zappa Setup and Confusion

I continued the guide today. I created an IAM User for zappa-deploy on AWS, configured the credentials locally, deployed the Skill with Zappa, and configured the skill in the Alexa developer console. Testing the skill showed an error though, There was a problem with the requested skill's respons...

First Steps Again

Today, I started following the Flask-Ask + Zappa guide. I’m using Ubuntu 18 on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to hopefully ease development. I had an issue where I couldn’t install virtualenv with pip. This was fixed by passing the --user argument. With this fixed, I created my virtual enviro...

A New Hope

Trying to figure out serverless has been fruitless in the last few weeks. I’ve asked Mr. Navkal and fellow Energize Andover members about my issue, but we haven’t found any success. Today, I researched some alternatives for deploying code. Zappa is a Python specific tool for building and deployi...

Legacy Blog

Posts prior to May 2020 can be found on my old site,