Fisher's Blog


Today, I joined a Python-focused Discord server for code review. My algorithm used a nested loop to iterate within the range of years and my new list of lists. This didn’t feel very elegant, so I wanted some feedback. column_names = ["P_ID"] # Iterate through year intervals for current_year in ra...

List Comprehensions and Vectorization

Today, I applied my plan from yesterday. To format the items in each cell, I learned about list comprehensions, an elegant and efficient way to create lists in Python. For each cell, I used a list comprehension to create a list of all the diagnoses within the year interval. Then, I merged the ele...

Data Input

I read about the .json format from this series on Tutorialspoint. Looking at the test data (STC_dx.json) that I’ve been given, "data" is an array of objects. Each object represents a single diagnosis, containing a diagnosis code, date, patient id, and diagnosis name. Here are an example 2 object...

ECIS Project Setup

I had chosen to use virtualenv for my last Python project because all the guides that I had found for Alexa development used it. Since I feel more comfortable working with virtual environments now, I felt that this was a good chance to explore a new tool that I had head about. Called Poetry, it o...

A Noble Cause

Today, I was introduced to a project called Etiologic Classification for Ischemic Stroke (ECIS) through Electronic Health Record-based Natural Language Processing. Lead by Dr. Feifan Liu, a professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, this project aims to develop software that aut...